Negotiating a Job Offer

Don’t underestimate the importance of likability. This sounds basic, but it’s crucial: People are going to fight for you only if they like you. Anything you do in a negotiation that makes you less likable reduces the chances that the other side will work to get you a better offer. This is about more than […]

The Counter Offer

Why Companies Make Counter-Offers You’ve been offered a new position with a company that will allow career growth,  new opportunity, and more rewards for the contributions that you make. After careful deliberation and a lot of  soul searching, you have accepted or decided to accept the new position. However, upon tendering your resignation, your employer […]

Referral Appreciation Program

  We offer  $300.00 for the referral of an insurance professional referred and recommended by you and placed with one of our client companies following our 3 month guarantee.    

Code of Ethics

We support the principles set forth below and acknowledge that compliance with these principles is in the best interests of our clients and candidates We will observe the highest principles of integrity, professionalism and fair practice in dealing with clients, candidates, employees and all regulatory authorities; and will respect the confidentiality of records in accordance […]