Description: This candidate that I am representing was a pleasure to interview. She is very personable. motivated and tech savvy. She started her career a a personal lines TSR then 4 yrs later obtained her RIBO and moved up to a CSR position within the same brokerage. After this she moved to a brokerage as a receptionist/TSR/CSR Assistant and has been there close to 2 yrs. She is currently looking for a Hybrid position as a P/L TSR who is RIBO licensed. She can work as a team player or on her own with ease
Goal: To continue to work and in personal lines within a respected brokerage house as a TSR
Accomplishments: RIBO 2016
Systems: Power Broker, TAM, ARS, Guidewire, Company Portals, EZITV'S Microsoft Products and more..
Markets: Aviva, Wawanesa, Intact, Jevco, Economical, Travelers and more..
Years of Experience: 10+ years, 5 yrs as a CSR, 5.7 years as a P/L TSR and Reception